This Saturday, GMA's reality-based drama anthology program "Magpakailanman" hosted by Ms. Mel Tiangco will feature another heartwarming true-life story -- that of Lucy Aroma, the woman who decided to end her life by jumping on to the track of an approaching train in an LRT station in 2012.
Versatile kapuso actress Sunshine Dizon will breath life to Lucy's story, which is a poignant tale of a woman who was pushed beyond her limits by fate's unforgiving hands. However, the episode will not only deal with Lucy's tribulations which could have led her to commit suicide but also with the lessons that her family -- especially her siblings -- has learned from the incident.
Lucy was a loving sister. Being the breadwinner of her family, she took upon herself the responsibility to provide for the needs of her siblings. In fact, she gave up the chance of having her own family for their sake. And even when she was diagnosed with cancer, she set aside her meager earnings -- which she could have used to treat her ailment -- for her family's needs. One day, she probably thought that she could not take it any longer. She did something not one of her siblings and close friends thought she was capable of doing: suicide.
The episode shows that even if suicide is not uncommon in our society, it is never an answer to anyone's problems. We, human beings, are designed to be resilient and should be able to overcome even the hardest trials in life.
Don't miss this episode of "Magpakailanman" this Saturday, January 12, after "Kaps Amazing Stories" on GMA-7.(
Versatile kapuso actress Sunshine Dizon will breath life to Lucy's story, which is a poignant tale of a woman who was pushed beyond her limits by fate's unforgiving hands. However, the episode will not only deal with Lucy's tribulations which could have led her to commit suicide but also with the lessons that her family -- especially her siblings -- has learned from the incident.
Lucy was a loving sister. Being the breadwinner of her family, she took upon herself the responsibility to provide for the needs of her siblings. In fact, she gave up the chance of having her own family for their sake. And even when she was diagnosed with cancer, she set aside her meager earnings -- which she could have used to treat her ailment -- for her family's needs. One day, she probably thought that she could not take it any longer. She did something not one of her siblings and close friends thought she was capable of doing: suicide.
The episode shows that even if suicide is not uncommon in our society, it is never an answer to anyone's problems. We, human beings, are designed to be resilient and should be able to overcome even the hardest trials in life.
Don't miss this episode of "Magpakailanman" this Saturday, January 12, after "Kaps Amazing Stories" on GMA-7.(