If we are talking about the sports football, definitely two names come in our mind. These are the name Phil and James! And talking about them as a group, AZKALS immediately flashes to your mind!
Because of the great contributions brought by these two hot hunk brothers in the history of Philippine sports, the Kapatid network pays tribute to their success!
The TV program tackles the days of the lives of these two cute brothers starting from the day that they were born until to their current achievements!
To give you a quick glimpse about their personal background, James and Phil were born in Middlesex, England with just eleven months apart birthdates! Their mother is a Filipina while their father is a British!
James and Phil become the poster boys of local football after they made a swing from Europe—as part of the youth and reserve teams of England’s premier football club Chelsea—to Asia as lead athletes of Philippine national football team Azkals. This started them fame!
Comparing and contrasting them, both Phil and James become famous in footbal. But the younger Younghusband Phil enters the showbiz world first being a "Celebrity Duet" contestant in GMA-7 until becomes the constant date and companion of the actress Angel Locsin. James on the other hand concentrates himself on the football and wants to uplift this sports not only to professionals but also to the students!
James and Phil also share the limelight being today's two of the hottest hunk models! They already endorsed different products and graced different billboards and magazine covers!
These were just some of the things about Phil and James! We will know more about them this Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at exactly 10:55pm in TV5's "Anggulo!" The said TV program airs right after the dramaserye "PS I Love You." Go, go, go James and Phil! (www.tvseriescraze.blogspot.com)