All the avid televiewers really pay attention to her first ever appearance in this hit series!
Agua and Bendita now grow into a beautiful sexy lady in the person of Andi Eigenmann!

Me myself was really excited! Every time I go home, I always asked my mom if Agua and Bendita already grew. Then she said, "Not yet! They were still children..."Yup, my mother was also an avid fan of this hit soap!
So sad that yesterday night, I wasn't able to see Agua and Bendita grow! Oh well, maybe I will watch it in the net! I admit that I was also excited to see them growing!
After the appearance of Andi last night in their series finally cleared all the issues of her late appearance in her own show. There were rumors that she as well as her two leading men, Matteo Guidecelli and Jayson Abalos will no longer appear in the soap. Andi was pulled out from the soap! But last night, all these speculations were cleared!
The growing of Agua and Bendita now in the person of Andi add more spice in the soap! Even her leading men were very much awaited! But now the question goes, will the TV series can maintain its high rating both in Mega Manila and Nationwide since the lead role turned into a lady?! Will the lady can maintain the appreciation and love from the viewers the way the child Xyriel Anne Manabay earned?! Well we gonna see these all in the succeeding weeks! But for the meantime, let's all enjoy the surprise we very much waited...! c",)