Awra Briguela Full CCTV Footage, The Bar's Bouncer Interview, and Mark Ravana's Statement - The Different Sides of the Story

Awra Briguela is still the trending topic in the world wide web and in the different social media platforms after he was arrested due to the bar ramble incident in Poblacion, Makati, Friday night of June 30, 2023.

Netizens stood and sympathized Awra calling justice for him. But after Xian Gaza released the full CCTV video footage of what really happened on the Bolt Hole Bar where the incident took place, netizens shifted side to the group of Mark Ravana, the guy who was accused of 'harassment.'

On the report of GMA network's 24 Oras Weekend aired on Saturday, July 1, the news story clearly narrated the full story from the CCTV footage on how the incident started up to the interviews of the bar's bouncer and  bar's staff saying that there's no 'touching' that happened between Mark and the girl friend of Awra.

Here is the video of the GMA's news program:

Prior to this Saturday edition of 24 Oras, the Friday's episode right after the incident and Awra's detention, they also aired the interview of Mark hearing his side of the issue. And below is the said news story and Mark's interview:

Meanwhile, here is the 18-minute full CCTV footages of the event in the bar released and narrated by Xian Gaza on his official Facebook page. Let's watch this:

Because of this CCTV footage, netizens then turned their sides to Mark Ravana. According to them, Mark is the real victim not Awra. And Mark was actually the harassed and not the other way around. As seen in the CCTV video, though Mark already took off his shirt, Awra is still insisting to take off his pants and continuously following Mark.

Also because of the leaked of the CCTV  bar footage and of the other mobile videos from the people who were on the area during the incident, the netizens who sided Awra before already deleted their comments on social media.

And just this Saturday night, July 1, Awra was temporarily released from the police. And here is the news video clip from the GMA Integrated News:

Now after watching these videos and hearing the different sides of the story, what is your thoughts and reactions about the issue? Are you Team Awra Briguela or Team Mark Ravana? How about the side of the police officers? How about your thoughts on the CCTV footage video released by Xian Gaza?

Oh well, feel free to share your comments and opinions on our comment box below or via our different social media platforms and let's discuss! Of course at the end of the day, the truth will always prevail! 07/02/2023 (TV Series Craze)  

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