TV Series Craze Gets Another Excellent Website Rating for 2013!

Once more, your favorite entertainment website TV Series Craze gets another EXCELLENT website rating! Yes, this is according to your votes!

Every year, we conducted an overall poll survey asking the readers and visitors of this site if what is their rating for this website. Choices were Excellent, Good, Fair,  and Poor! The rating covers the totally of this site's performance, design, topics, trends, etc. for the whole year!

Yes, majority of the votes fall under Excellent! Here is the overall result for the year 2013:

For 2013, TV Series Craze got a 40%  EXCELLENT rating! Closer to it is a 36% Good rating!

Again, thank you very much for this awesome rating! I'll promise that this coming 2014, we will surpass and maintain this excellent rating you've given us! Truly thankful for it! It will serve as an inspiration for the coming years to strive more! (

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