Truth is now one by one discovered. The character of Antonio Aquitania now found the lady he is looking for. She now founds Tonya (Iza Calzado) who is camouflaging herself as the drag queen Tonette. Tonya is pinpointed to be the caused of the accident who killed Antonio's girlfriend in the story!
Now that all is set to unveil, will Tonette finally dress the way she used to dress before as an ordinary girl? Can she now able to tell the truth to Kenneth?! And knowing that Tonette is a real girl, will Kenneth turn heart to Tonette/Tonya?! Will Tonette/Tonya and Kenneth ends up in marriage?!
Well, these are just some of the questions we need to fight out in this so-called "the last kiss" of "I Heart You Pare", the grand finale of this rom-com teleserye. It will surely drive away our stress and boredom as it gives us a crazy-cool ending we shouldn't miss!
"I Heart You Pare" airs weeknight in GMA Telebabad right after "Munting Heredera"! Cool one! c",)