Who win between the two rivals Tiago and Vincent? A good versus bad fight awaits!
Last Saturday we all witnessed how Vincent (played by Jayson Abalos) was captured by the police. Max (Ryan Eigenmann character), the former Tiago's team merged with Vincent to capture Tiago. But the reverse thing happened, Vincent was the one trapped by Tiago's plan. Tiago used Max to caught Vincent rather than Max to capture Tiago.
Vincent was then prisoned and Tiago's name was cleared against all allegations.

But the worst thing happened. With the help of Max, Vincent was able to escaped from jail. They burned the police vehicle and killed the police that guarded Vincent.
Vincent outside the jail planned to create a new gang wherein Max is his right-hand man. And of course, Vincent wants his poster son Martin to be with him again. They will take if from Tiago.
As Tiago together with Martin and his new love Norma came back to Cavite to form a new life, Martin was kidnapped by the group of Max. He was returned back to the arms of his former dad Vincent. But this time, Martin was no longer want Vincent. He already knows the truth. He was now loving his true father Tiago and hates Vincent.
What will be the next consequence? Will Tiago able to save Martin? What will happen to the bad guys?
Let us all catch the final two episodes of the first 'Agimat' inheritance. It such another successful remake from the home of No. 1 teleserye maker ABS-CBN! c",)