Beginning with the ancient craft of basketry Mr. V, as he’s known to fellow designers, wrought a career out of weaving natural materials into amazing new forms. Through the years, he has been collecting the work of the world’s most renowned designers of furniture and accessories, objects that he was compellingly drawn to. The trove now has a home in the brand new residence of Mr. V, a stunner on a hill.
Broadcast journalist Ces Drilon has been our eyes and ears on the ground during some of the country’s most historic and dramatic moments. After enhancements on the space by architect Jason Buensalido, she recently moved into her new home in a high-rise, not on the ground this time but in the air. Jason built an undulating backdrop for Ces’ very personal collection of Philippine art and furniture.
This issue also extensively features the innermost sanctums of our homes, where everyone spend the most time—bedrooms and bathrooms. Check out the different styles various creative individuals have chosen for both spaces. Consider some design themes and shop for items to realize the look. All these and more in the newest edition of “Metro Home & Entertaining,” which is now available in newsstands nationwide. (www.tvseriescraze.blogspot.com)