The controversial game show of Willie Revillame called "Willing Willie" will finally return on TV starting this Saturday, May 14, 2011. This time, it is renamed to "Wil Time Bigtime!"
Yup, "Wil Time Bigtime" is the reformatted version of "Wiling Willie". But they didn't only change the title of the said show. Rather, they changes everything from the studio design up to the games and gimmicks.
Expect that "Wil Time Bigtime" is very different from "Wiling Willie". It will offer new games and surprises to people. What more, its studio is now recreated with the state of the art design!
Willie Revillame, the main host of the said show further reveals that the other co-hosts of the show were replaced. But still, his main co-host Shalani Soledad remains! Shalani is now even part of the new logo of the show.
"Wil Time Bigtime" will air at 5:00pm starting this Saturday. It will also air during weeknights at 6:30pm on TV5.
Well, are excited for the comeback of Willie on TV?! How about for this new show?! c",)
Yup, "Wil Time Bigtime" is the reformatted version of "Wiling Willie". But they didn't only change the title of the said show. Rather, they changes everything from the studio design up to the games and gimmicks.
Expect that "Wil Time Bigtime" is very different from "Wiling Willie". It will offer new games and surprises to people. What more, its studio is now recreated with the state of the art design!
Willie Revillame, the main host of the said show further reveals that the other co-hosts of the show were replaced. But still, his main co-host Shalani Soledad remains! Shalani is now even part of the new logo of the show.
"Wil Time Bigtime" will air at 5:00pm starting this Saturday. It will also air during weeknights at 6:30pm on TV5.
Well, are excited for the comeback of Willie on TV?! How about for this new show?! c",)
maganda ang wil a stick na game :)